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PC28.05.08   aiken


28.04.30 ARNETT
28.05.06 HART
28.05.07 MERRITT
28.05.08 AIKEN
28.05.08 CLARK
28.05.09 KILCOURSE
28.05.11 AIKEN

28.05.08.   Aiken, Report of Combat Patrol, Jinotega

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +













T  R  A  N  S  C  R  I  P  T  I  O  N

Jinotega, Nicaragua.
8 May, 1928.

From: Captain William W. Aiekn [Aiken], U.S. Marine Corps.
T o: Commanding Officer, Fifth Regiment, Second Brigade, U.S. Marine Corps, Jinotega, Nicaragua.
Subject: Report of Combat Patrol from Third Battalion, Fifth Regiment, USMC, Second Brigade, USMC.
Reference: (a) Letter, Orders, CO Matagalpa to Captain W.W. Aiken, USMC., 80 EMR., 3 May 1928.

     1.   In compliance with reference (a) the undersigned with combat patrol consisting of 32 enlisted cleared Matagalpa at 1330, 3 May, 1928. Upon arrival CHAHUITILLO received information that word had been received from Matagalpa that a Marine patrol was enroute to CHAHUITILLO to CORNETTA. Upon further investigation it was found that no outlaw activities have existed at CHAHUITILLO since about 12 April 1928. It was reported that Marcellino Hernandez [Marcelino Hernandez] (bandit and Conservative-Chamorraisti) was at CORNETA. I proceeded at once to CORNETA and received information that Marcellino Hernandez with 15 bandits armed with rifles stopped at CORNETA on 1 May 1928, and raided two houses and left for NARANJO via EL SALTO; I proceeded to EL SALTO and confiscated 8 rifles and 1 pistol with about 30 rounds of ammunition; the rifles in question were taken from the house of Felipe Rizo. Benico Castro [Benicio Castro], Captain General of CORNETA DISTRICT & EL SALTO informed the undersigned that he had a permit for 8 rifles; the permit was examined and it was found dated February 1927 and was countersigned by 1st Lieutenant Lavelett, U.S. Marine Corps; from information obtained it developed that Benico Castro, Felipe Rizo, Gabriel Herrera, Bibiano Rizo, Genaro Herrera, Aurelio Rizo, G. Lopez, Benigno Mairena, Augustin Arauz, Tinas /Rizo, Silvestre Rizo, Agaton Blandon, Eugenenio Zelaya, Antonio Zelaya, Nicholas Rizo (all living in the District of Corneta) operate with Marcellino Hernandez. The trail of bandits ended at EL SALTO and it is the opinion of the undersigned the group mentioned is the same group that passed thru CORNETA on 1 May, 1928. Proceeded to NARANJO (a Liberal Town) about 2 miles NW of EL SALTO, no bandit activities have existed in this town for the past four months. I proceeded to MONTE GRANDE and received information that Marcellino Hernandez and a group of bandits made TAMBORINDO [Tamarindo] their assembly point. I arrived TAMBORINDO 1600, 5 May, 1928, and received information that Benecio Castro had sent a messenger from CORNETA to TAMBORINDO to notify Marcellino Hernandez that a Marine patrol was enroute direction TAMBORINDO. The bandits were at TAMBORINDO and had cleared for the mountains during the morning of the 5th.

     At TAMBORINDO a thorough search of the mountains and vicinity and had no contact with bandits. Confiscated about four pounds of black powder, salt petre and sulphur and two rifles. Cleared TAMBORINDO 0400, 6 May, 1928, for JOCOMICO via LA JABIAS and TRUCASAN; at LA JABIAS, found a cattle ranch owned and operated by Incarnation Torres, this ranch was reported as an assembly point [ p. 2 ] for bandits operating under Hernandez and a place where stolen cattle is disposed of. A small group of bandits consisting of Marcellino and Catalina Hernandez [Catalino Hernandez], Tomas Miranca [Tomas Melgara], Alejandro Cruz, Prinio Picardo [Primo Picado], Sinvano Picardo [Silviano Picado] and Eugenco Rizo [Eugenio Rizo] were known to have been at the ranch of Incarnation Torres [Incarnacion Torres] on May 2, 1928. Catlina Hernandez was known to have appeared at LA JABIAS during the morning of 6 May, 1928. A thorough search was made of LA JABIAS and vicinity and no contact was made with bandits. Cleared LA JABIAS at 1600 6 May 1928, for TRUCASAN. While approaching crest of mountain at TRUCASAN was fired upon from direction of LA JABIAS (Distance about 2000 yards); I saw one man running across field, about 1200 yards from my position, with what appeared to be a rifle. I directed Gunnery Sergeant Odien to fire three rounds following of which the native disappeared. At TRUCASAN, the natives reported that a bandit named Fererra [Ferrera] with 25 natives, armed as follows: 15 with rifles and pistols and 10 with machetes, raided TRUCASAN 3 May 1928. No knowledge of the direction of their departure could be ascertained. I cleared TRUCASAN for JOCIMICO [Jocomico] 0730, 7 May, 1928. At the ranch of Petronilo Duarte (Conservative), he Duarte, reported Santa Maria Severilla [Santa Maria Sevilla] as having been at his ranch with 25 bandits, severly beat hii [severely beat him] and demanded $30, and upon not receiving the money stole one horse. The raid in question took place about 3 April 1928. No bandit activities have been known to have taken place since said date. I cleared JOCIMICO for JINOTEGA via YAGUAMICA-CHAQUITA-MESITA- and MOUNTAINITA [Montañita] at 1700. 7 May 1928., most favorable reports were received throughout these areas (liberal) no bandits having been seen for the past six months. It was noted however that at Yaguamica deserted houses appeared throughout the area. The natives in accounting for the deserted houses stated that many natives were workin in the mountains. Arrived at JINOTEGA 0630, 8 May, 1928.

WATER: CHAGUITILLO to CORNETA; Very good pack trail, no water.
  CORNETA to NARANJO; Fair; No water.
  NARANJO to MONTE GRANDE: Road poor and can only be used for pack animal; no water except at MONTE GRANDE.
  MONTE GRANDE to TAMOBORINDO: Pack trail; water good at TAMBORINDO.

TAMBORINDO to JOCOMICO;  Pack trail; water good.
JOCOMICO to CHAGUITO:    Pack trail only; no water except

CHAGUITO to JINOTEGA:    Pack trail; no water.

Recommendation: - That all arms and ammunition in the hands of Rural Police be turned over to Military contraol [control] for it is the opinion of the undersigned that the arms and ammunition so turned over will result in less bandit operations through-out Nicaragua.

/s/ W. W. AIKEN


Summary & Notes:

   Conservative Chamorrista gang vs. Liberal gang in La Trinidad-San Isidro area.
   A few shots exchanged with Marines, 6 May 1928; gangs avoiding them.
   Conservative gang members: Marcelino Hernandez (jefe), Catalino Hern
ández, Alejandro Cruz (jefe), Tomás Melgara (or Tomas Mirando), Primo Picado, Silviano Picado, Eugenio Ruiz, Encarnación Torres, Benicio Castro, Felipe Rizo, Viviano Rizo, Aurelio Rizo, Tinas Rizo, Silvestre Rizo, Nicolas Rizo, Gabriel Herrera, Genaro Herrera, B. López, Benigno Mairena, Augustín Arauz, Agaton Blandón, Eugenio Zelaya, Antonio Zelaya.
   2 Hern
ández's, 2 Picado's, 2 Zelaya's, 6 Rizo's — clearly these are gangs built of families.
   Liberal gang of 25 led by Santa Mar
ía Sevilla.
   Marines going around confiscating arms & powder, searching houses, making lists of names, trying to figure out who's who.
   LIBERAL GANGS:  April 3, 1928: Santa Mar
ía Sevilla & Liberal gang of 25 raids house of Conservative Petronilo Duarte of Jocomico, demands $30, beats him, steals his horse.
   CONSERVATIVE GANGS:  May 1, 1928: Marcelino Hern
ández & Conservative gang of 15 raids two houses in La Corneta.
   EDSN BANDS:  May 3, 1928: Ferrera (Miguel Angel Ort
éz) & EDSN band of 25 raid Trucasán.
   Rural Police (Policía Rural) acting as a partisan (Chamorrista) state-sanctioned violence-making entity; Aiken recommends it be disarmed & disbanded.
ón Torres:  Conservative landowner whose ranch is Conservative gang assembly point.

   An extremely fluid and complex set of alliances & conflicts being glimpsed here.

P C - D O C S :      P A T R O L   &   C O M B A T    R E P O R T S
thru 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 +