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photos  •  READERS
U.S.M.C. Private first class William E. PLOCHARSKI COLLECTION, p. 10
P. F. C.    W I L L I A M    E.    P L O C H A R S K I    C O L L E C T I O N


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B Y     R E P O S I T O R Y
B Y     T H E M E

   This is the tenth and final webpage of photographs from the collection of Private First Class William Edward Plocharski (Planter) of the US Marine Corps, who took these photos during his deployment in Las Segovias, Nicaragua, over a period of two years, from January 1928 to December 1929.

     The larger photos were scanned in high resolution (600 dpi).  The smaller photos (of individual pages of the photo album) were taken at lower resolution but show the captions, and for that reason are included here.  For a full high-resolution image of each photo, click on the thumbnail image on the right-hand side of each Photo ID banner.

     This collection has never been published anywhere else.  I first learned of it in January 2018 thanks to the kind courtesy of Private Plocharski's (Mr. Planter's) daughter, Patricia Barrow of Houston, Texas. I thank Patricia Barrow and her family for their generosity in making these photographs available and permitting their publication here.

Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.01    •    "Marines on the trail, 1927"

Caption:  "Marines on the trail.  Nic. 1927."  "419."

Pvt. Plocharski must have acquired this photo during his deployment in the country.

Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.02    •     Panorama of Matagalpa, colorized

Caption:  "Matagalpa, Nic."

Appears to be a colorized black & white photo. A lovely panoramic view of Matagalpa.

Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.03   •     Private Plocharski

No caption.  Private Plocharski, according to his daughter Patricia Barrow.

Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.04    •    Privates Smith & Schleger lying & smoking in tent


Caption:  "There's No Place Like Home. Smith and Schleger."

With its ironic caption, another wonderful photo that captures the tedium and discomfort of life on the trail of Sandino's "bandits".

Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.05    •    Marines with locals, Honduras-Nicaragua border, March 1928


Caption:  "At the border of Honduras and Nicaragua. March 23 1928"

Another marvelous photograph, with 15 or so Marines and several local men, women, and children.  The man seated among the Marines, at right, appears darker-skinned than the Marines and might be a guide, scout, or Voluntario.


Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.06    •    Horse Marines, 52nd Co., 11th Regt.


Caption:  "The Horse Marines 52nd Co. 11 Regt. Nicaragua C.A."


Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.07    •    "Squizzing sugar cane"

Caption:  "Squizzing Sugar Cane."

A marvelous photo of local, animal-driven sugarcane grinding technology. Such small-scale trapiches were common across Las Segovias.

Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.08    •    Uniforms worn by Marines, 1775-1925


Caption (typed on bottom of photo): "1775  1838   1861   1898   (Emblem)   1917    1925    1925    1925    1925   Uniforms Worn By Marines from 1775 to 1925"

Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.09    •    "Soldiers travel on their stomach"


Caption:  "Soldiers travel on their Stomach."

Photo shows some 14 Marines and three Nicaraguans (in white shirts) posing before a thatched-roof building.  At least two of the three Nicaraguans are armed (the third at the far right is too obscured to tell); the one at center-right is saluting.  The arms and the salute suggest that these were Voluntarios accompanying the Marine column.


Photo ID:  Readers - Plocharski - P10.10    •    "Nicaraguan Plow"

Caption:  "Nicaraguan Plow."


P. F. C.    W I L L I A M    E.    P L O C H A R S K I    C O L L E C T I O N


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