This is the homepage
for photos & other visual images of the US Marines &
the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua
before, during, and after the period of the US
invasion & occupation.
The collection can be navigated using
the navigation box above, which appears at the
top & bottom of every USMC-GN Photos Page, and
using the more detailed page-by-page inventory,
Page 1
RG127, US Marine Corps Photo Collection,
Entry 38, Box 29, Bunch 1 |
Hacienda Guards before the Guardia
Nacional takeover of police duties, 1928
Hacienda Guards before the Guardia
Nacional takeover of police duties, 1928
The First Jefe & Staff of the "New"
Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua, May 1927
A Recruiting Party of the Guardia
Nacional, ca. 1928 A Recruiting Party
of the Guardia Nacional, ca. 1928
Commanding General & General Staff, 2nd
Brigade, U.S.M.C. about June 1927
Brigadier General Elias Root Beadle,
Jefe Director of the Guardia Nacional de
Nicaragua, ca. Oct. 1928 Jefe Director
of the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua and
His Staff, 16 October 1928 The Chief
of Staff of the Jefe Director of the
Guardia Nacional and His Assistants, 16
October 1928 The Jefe Director of the
Guardia Nacional & His Staff, ca. Oct.
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RG127, US Marine Corps Photo Collection,
Entry 38, Box 29, Bunch 2 |
The Jefe Director of the Guardia
Nacional and his staff, ca. 1 Jan. 1928
La Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua en
Rivas, sin fecha, foto por Salvatierra
A Guardia baseball team, no date
Guardia Nacional mutineers from
Telpaneca Mutiny (6 & 21 October 1928)
captured in Honduras Guardia in
training exercises, probably Matagalpa
or Jinotega ca. 1928 Juan Torrres,
Guardia Nacional No. 588, March 7, 1928
Five Guardia Nacional troops posed
with heads of three rebels killed &
decapitated by GN Cabo (Corporal)
Guillen 24 June 1930 Heads of three
rebels killed & decapitated by Guardia
Nacional Cabo (Corporal) Guillen, 24
June 1930
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the Personal Collection of Robin Kincaid
(donated) |
Meeting at Espino on the Honduran border
between Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua
troops led by Col. Robert L. Denig and
Honduran Army General Alejandro Plata,
August 7, 1930 Brigadier General Elias
Root Beadle, Jefe Director of the
Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua, no date
"Quemando los cadaveres" ("burning the
bodies"), Chinandega, Nic., no date, ca.
Feb. 1927 "Ruinas de Chinandega, Nic."
("ruins of Chinandega"), no date, ca.
Feb. 1927
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RG127, US Marine Corps Photo Collection,
Bunch 4 |
xxx xxx in progress
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RG127, US Marine Corps Photo Collection,
Bunch 5 |
xxx xxx in progress
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RG127, US Marine Corps Photo Collection,
Bunch 6 |
xxx xxx in progress
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Los Voluntarios de 1929 |
General Moncada & His Jefes, July 1927
General Alejandro Plata, ca. 1927
General Juan Escamilla, 1927 Hanneken
& Escamilla in Ocotal, 14 February 1929
Escamilla, Dunlap & Hanneken in
Ocotal, 14 February 1929 Dunlap,
Stockes, Caldera & Voluntarios in
Ocotal, 14 February 1929 Dunlap,
Caldera & Voluntarios in Ocotal, 14
February 1929 Mounted Voluntarios &
Colonel Dunlap, ca. February 1929
Voluntario Jefes Cordero, Caldera &
Espinosa with Captain Stockes, 1929
Voluntario Jefes Maradiaga, Espinoza,
Cordero, Castillo & Caldera with Stockes
& Dawson, 1929 Mounted Voluntario
Column Outside Ocotal, February 1927
General Juan Escamilla on
Niquinohomo-Granada Road (13
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RG127 (in progress) |
xxx xxx in progress
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RG127 (in progress) |
xxx xxx in progress
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RG127 (in progress)
xxx xxx in progress
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RG127 (in progress) |
xxx xxx in progress
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RG127 (in progress) |
xxx xxx in progress
Additional pages in progress.
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