IS THE FIRST OF 18 WEB PAGES housing the US State
Department's historic collection
of 179 photographs on the
November 1928 Nicaraguan
elections (actually 171
at present; eight were missing).
of these 179 photographs have
never been published before now.
All express the
colonial-imperial lens through
which US policymakers and policy
implementers saw Nicaragua and
its people — and of course,
themselves. None can be
read outside these broader
contexts of empire. Many
can also be fruitfully read for
what they reveal about
Nicaraguan social realities of
the era. (photo:
detail of No. 40, "Residence of
General Chamorro, Managua")
The 1928 elections offer
a fertile field for study.
The evidence suggests that this
electoral process, and the
elections of 1932 (also
USA-supervised) were the freest
& fairest in all Nicaraguan
history up to that point.
I would argue until 1984.
Others would say 1990.
Whatever the case, all observers
would agree that the 1928
elections had complex origins,
comprised a complex process, and
bequeathed complex and ambiguous
legacies — and, that this
collection of photographs offers a
remarkable visual record of one
of the most consequential and
revealing electoral processes in
Nicaraguan history.
The transcribed 7-page
typed inventory
of all 179 photos in the collection is presented
immediately below, followed by
the first 10 photos.
These high-resolution (600 dpi)
JPEG scans of the originals are
in most cases presented in
multiple cropped details.
PAGE 1 •
PHOTOS USNA2 5.1—5.10
1. President Adolfo Díaz
of Nicaragua.
2. Hon. Charles C.
Eberhardt, American Minister to
3. Brigadier General Frank
R. McCoy, Chairman of the
American Electoral Mission in
Nicaragua and President,
National Board of Elections.
4. Rear Admiral David F.
Sellers, USN, Commander Special
Service Squadron, and Brigadier
General Logan Feland, USMC,
Commanding 2nd Brigade.
5. Brigadier General Elias
R. Beadle (Lieut. Col. USMC),
Jefe Director, Guardia Nacional
de Nicaragua.
6. General Jose María
Moncada, President-Elect of
7. Don Adolfo Bernard
(center), Conservative Candidate
for President of Nicaragua,
8. General Emiliano
Chamorro, Ex-president of
9. The National Board of
Elections, Managua, Nicaragua.
Left to right, Dr. Ramon
Castillo C., Conservative
political member; Brig. Gen.
Frank R. McCoy, USA, President;
Dr. Manuel Cordero Reyes,
Liberal political member.
10. Colonel Francis LeJ.
Parker, USA, Vice Chairman,
American Electoral Mission and
Vice President, National Board
of Elections.
11. Major Gary I.
Crockett, USA, Secretary,
National Board of Elections.
12. Dr. Harold W. Dodds,
adviser to Chairman, American
Electoral Mission.
13. Hon. George K. Pond,
adviser to Chairman, American
Electoral Mission.
14. Colonel Arthur S.
Brown, JAGD, USA, advisor to
Chairman, American Electoral
15. Lieut. Col. Gordon
Johnston, USA, adviser to
Chairman, American Electoral
Mission. [official
inventory p. 2]
16. Major Cassine M. Dowell, USA,
Executive Officer, American
Electoral Mission.
17. Major Felix Promaruelli,
USA, Assistant Executive Officer
and in charge Information
Section, American Electoral
Mission.assine M. Dowell, USA,
Executive Officer, American
Electoral Mission. Electoral Mission.
19. First Lieut. Frank F.
Fulton, FD, USA, Finance
20. Campo de Marte - the
President's Palace, Managua.
21. The National Palace,
22. The Ayuntamiento (City
Hall), Managua.
23. The Managua Club.
24. A Native House, Managua.
25. A Nicaraguan Family.
26. The Laundry, Managua.
27. La Loma Fortress,
overlooking Managua.
28. Office of the Chairman,
American Electoral Mission.
29. Marine Camp, Tipitapa.
30. Marine Hospital, Managua.
31. National Board of Elections,
Secretariat and Advisers.
32. Managua, from La Loma.
33. Coffee Finca, "La Luz," near
34. Banco Nacional de Nicaragua.
35. Conservative National
Headquarters, Managua.
36. Liberal National
Headquarters, Managua.
37. Grand Hotel Lupone, Managua.
38. Entry, American Legation,
39. A Street, Managua.
40. Residence of General
Chamorro, Managua.
41. Minister Eberhardt (left)
and Dr. Dana Munro, Counselor,
in courtyard of American
Legation, Managua.
42. Marine Corps Amphibian
Plane, at Managua Air Field
(used principally on Atlantic
coast). [p. 3]
43. Don Adolfo Benard (left ) at
Corinto enroute from Europe and
United States.
44. Conservatives at Corinto
await Benard's landing. Special
train in background.
45. Benard greets friends at
46. Governor Somoza of León
(left) and Don Adolfo Benard at
47. Crowd at hotel, Corinto, to
welcome Benard.
48. Locomotive on Benard Sugar
Estate, Chichigalpa.
49. Benard special train at
50. Crowd to see Benard, enroute
to Managua.
51. President Díaz (caricature).
52. Minister Eberhardt
53. General McCoy (caricature).
54. General Feland (caricature).
55. General Beadle (caricature).
56. Captain H. S. Keimling,
G.N., chief of police of
Managua, and Guardia platoon
57. Sending out electoral
supplies by FOkker transport
plane from Ocotal to precincts
in Nueva Segovia.
58. Loading the last packs
59. General Chamorro in patio of
his home, Managua.
60. General Moncada (left).
61. A registration booth,
62. Registration booth, Campo de
Marte precinct, Managua.
63. Rural registration booth
near Managua.
64. General Moncada (in dark
suit) ready to register at
Precinct No. 1, Managua,
September 23, 1928.
65. A registration booth,
66. A precinct board and
secretaries, Managua.
67. Colonel O. E. Hunt, USA,
Ret. (standing, in civilian
dress), department chairman,
León, with assistants and
precinct chairman.
68. Department headquarters,
León. [p. 4]
69. Captain Thomas A. Austin,
Jr., USA (Center), department
chairman of Nueva Segovia, and
assistants, at Ocotal.
70. Election patrol leaves
71. A ballot box in transit.
72. General McCoy (with pipe)
and Lieut. Colonel Gordon
Johnston, USA (putting on coat),
at Managua air field after
inspection trip by plane to
Atlantic coast.
73. Same (Capt. "Wop" Howard,
USMC, pilot, in center with
General McCoy.
74. Pen and ink sketch of voting
booth, Tisma precinct,
Department of Masaya, by
Corporal Otto Vonohr, USMC,
precinct chairman.
75. Election Day (Nov. 4),
Managua. President Díaz arrives
at voting booth, escorted by
Major Willian R. Shutan, USA (in
civilian dress at right of
picture), department chairman.
76. President Díaz dips his
fingers in stain before voting.
77. General Moncada (in grey
suit), Dr. Aguado and Major
Shutan at his left, arrive at
No. 1 voting booth, Managua,
Nov. 4.
78. General Moncada receives his
79. General Moncada and Dr.
Aguado leaving the polls.
80. A voter casts his ballot,
81. Admiral Sellers visits a
Managua voting booth, November
82. General Feland watches
progress of election, November
4, Managua.
83. In line before 7 o'clock
a.m. Nov. 4 at a Managua
precinct; Guardia private in
84. A voter stains his fingers.
85. Waiting to vote before polls
opened, Managua.
86. Same.
87. Vigilante votes while
opposing vigilante watches him,
88. Election day scene in
89. Election day scene in
90. Election day scene in
91. Election day scene in
92. Election day scene in
93. Election day scene in
94. Election day scene in
95. Election day scene in
96. Election day scene in
97. Voting completed before 3
p.m. at a Managua poll.
98. Rural precinct booth near
Managua, at close of voting.
[p. 5]
99. Check-up of returns at a
Managua booth, Nov. 4; Marine
Corps movie photographer at
100. Bringing in ballots by
motor truck late on Nov. 4 from
a rural precinct, Managua
department, Marines guard box.
101. Election returns by
bull-cart to department capital.
102. Dr. Castillo (caricature).
103. Dr. Cordero Reyes
104. Bluefields; Liberal
refreshments served to voters on
Election day.
105. Major Carles F. E. Price,
USMC (center), Bluefields
department chariman and Board.
106. Major Price and Board.
107. Amphibian, Puerto Cabezas,
Bluefields department.
108. Liberal campaign
headquarters, Bluefields.
109. Voting booth, Bluefields
Norte precinct, Election Day.
110. Voting booth, Bluefields
Norte precinct, Election Day.
111. Registration, Puerto
112. Waiting for polls to open,
Puerto Cabezas.
113. A precinct board, Sandy
Bay, Bluefields department.
114. Precinct Board, Puerto
115. Election Day, Bluefields,
Creole belles ready to serve
116. Rivas - the Cuartel.
117. Rivas - crowd welcomes
Moncada at San Jorge.
118. Moncada campaigns in Rivas
119. Moncada campaigns in Rivas
120. Moncada campaigns in Rivas
121. Moncada campaigns in Rivas
122. Moncada campaigns in Rivas
123. Moncada campaigns in Rivas
124. Moncada campaigns in Rivas
125. Rivas - entrance to
126. Rivas - the casino.
127. Rivas - driveway to
128. Rivas - road to city.
129. Major Herman Randolph, USA
(center), chairman and
departmental board, Rivas.
130. Rivas board in session.
[p. 6]
131. León - General Somoza, Jefe
132. León - Col. O. E. Hunt,
chairman, gives final
instructions to precinct
133. Bluejackets fight Marines -
sham battle, León.
134. Baseball scoreboard,
Marines vs. Nicaraguans, León.
135. Bluejacket battalion
entrains at Corinto for León.
136. Marine Detachment, USS
MISSISSIPPI, leaves León for
northern hills to protect
137. Col. Ora E. Hunt,
department chairman, León.
138. General
Felipe Flores, Liberal
chief, in front of No. 6
precinct, León
139. Col. C. C.
Smith, USA, Ret.
(center), department
chairman, Granada, and
Board (missing).
140. Captain Loyd V. H. Durfee,
USA (second from left),
department chairman, Chinandega,
and Board (missing).
141. Major Howard Eager, USA
(center), department chairman,
Chontales, and Board
142. Alcaldía, Juigalpa
(Chontales), Marine detachment
and office of department board.
143. Jinotega - department
board, Major Robert L.
Christian, USA (center),
144. Matagalpa - Major John. B.
Coulter, USA (center) chairman
department board, and two
Ensigns (assistants).
145. Matagalpa - department
board session.
146. Nicaraguan boy captured
from Sandino force during fight
at Ocotal - now assistant to
Captain Darnell, G.N., Masaya.
147. Precinct chairman leaves
Masaya with ballot box, etc. for
148. Masaya church.
149. Returning with ballots to
Masaya from Los Altos precinct,
Nov. 5, 1928.
150. Masaya - precinct Palo
Blanco, voting ends.
151. Masaya - Magdalena
precinct, Election Day, with
naval chairman. [p. 7]
152. Masaya - returning with
records from Nindiri precinct,
Nov. 5.
153. Masaya - Palo Blanco
precinct, 4:10 p.m. Nov. 4.
154. A precinct board, Masaya.
155. Central Avenue, Masaya.
156. Captain Cliffort H. Tate,
USA, chairman, and department
board, Masaya.
157. Estelí - Sept. 14, precinct
chairman outward bound for
158. Major Joseph B. Pate, USA
(center), chairman, Estelí, and
department board.
159. Same, in session.
160. Estelí, urban precinct No.
2, Pvt. T. W. Madden, USMC,
chairman, afternoon of Nov. 4.
161. Election scenes, Estelí.
162. Election scenes, Estelí.
163. Election scenes, Estelí.
164. Election scenes, Estelí.
165. Election scenes, Estelí.
166. Election scenes, Estelí.
167. Precinct chairman, Estelí
168. Crossing Rio Jicaro,
Estelí, Sept. 15; this ford
known for treacherous
169. Electoral patrol, Estelí.
170. Voters, Puerto Cabezas,
Bluefields department.
171. Bluejacket battalion,
172. Bluejackets battalion,
173. Living statue
of Liberty greets
President-Elect Hoover
at Corinto, Nov. 27,
1928; Señorita Margarita
Pertz of Managua
impersonates the goddess.
174. Marine guard of honor
awaits arrival of
President-Elect Hoover, Corinto.
175. Mr. Hoover coming ashore,
176. Mr. Hoover (Minister
Eberhardt on his left) on wharf,
Corinto; Guardia escort in
177. President-Elect Hoover,
President-Elect Moncada, and
Minister Eberhardt, Corinto.
178. President-Elect Hoover,
President-Elect Moncada, and
Minister Eberhardt, Corinto.
179. President-Elect Hoover,
recieves the salute, Corinto.