In the city of Jinotega, at 11.30 a.m.,
27 Sept., 1919, before me Onesiforo Rizo
Gadea, Attorney at Law of the Republic,
living in this town, reported Señor
Donoso Ramón
and Sr. Ezequiel Aráuz, agriculturers
and living in the town of San Rafael del
Norte, and señora
Pastora Blandón
de Rivera, of domestic services, living
here, the 3 persons married, of age and
capable for any obligation, well known
by me, and the first one said:
That he is in charge for the inheritance
from Dr. Natividad Rivera, with
authority for making inventories and for
the distribution of such inheritance,
and that in compliance with the law he
had proceeded to make the distribution
by selling in public action those
properties which cannot be divided, as
per the act of sale which reads:
“In the city of Jinotega, at 10:00 a.m.,
13 September 1919, the undersigned in
charge of the inheritance and in charge
for the distribution of same reported to
this office in company of the Lawyer who
authorizes the transaction at 9:00 a.m.
in order to attend the proposals in the
sale of the properties in public action,
which are the following: A pasture
ground called El Carrizal, jurisdiction
of San Rafael del Norte, of about 16
acres of land, with fences of barbed
wire and with the following limits:
East, El Salitro Volcano; West, pasture
ground of Francisco Rivera; North,
pasture ground of Crisanto Blandón;
and by the South with the San Rafael
river. It was appraised in the value of
$160.00, and the best proposal for it
was the one from Sr. José
Santos Rivera, who offered $416.00.
A property called “El Ingenio”, located
in San Rafael del Norte, of about 60
manzanas of land, being a part of the
land of his own property and the rest
being Municipal property, with wire
fence, 3 manzanas cultivated with sugar
cane belonging to Santos Rivera, and six
manzanas belonging to Sixto Rivera, with
1500 coffee trees in poor condition,
pasture grounds, a House in good state,
a machinery house for sugar cane which
is not installed, everything with the
following limits: North, properties of
Juan Pineda and Ezequiel Aráuz;
South, property of Jacinto Lumbí;
East, land of Luis Ubeda; West, road
which leads from Sabana Grande to El
Pencal. It was appraised in the amount
of $1600.00; and only Dr. Lopez García,
an attorney of Ezequiel Aráuz,
offered the sum of $1,735.00.-
A piece of land of about 65 hectares
located in San Rafael del Norte, limits:
East, a denounced ground by Bartolomé
West, piece of land denounced by Pedro
Carmen Pineda; North grounds of
Natividad Rivera, Bonifacio Méndez
and other ones, and by the South, by the
common land of that town. It was
appraised in the amount of $195.00, and
only proposal was made by the attorney
of Sr. Ezequiel Aráuz,
who offered $200.00;
Another piece of land located in the
same place, of about 34 hectares,
limited by the North and West by land of
Pineda; South, land of Basilio Castro,
and East, by Juan María
Monzon’s land. It was appraised in
$102.00, and the unique proposal was
made by the same attorney –
above-mentioned, who offered $105.00.
A building located in the South Canton
of this town with the following limits:
East, houses of Marcelino Altamirano;
West, [p. 2] house of Salomé
Rizo; North, house of Miguel Rivera and
South, house of Evaristo Rivera, it was
valued for $1500.00, and the same lawyer
was the best offer for the house with
the sum of $2,650.00.-
A finca in the place El Coyolar,
jurisdiction of Yalí,
5000 coffee trees and a manzana of sugar
cane, limits: North, national land,
South, properties of Mercedes Rivera and
Julian Castro; West, land of Anastacio
Castro, East, some volcanoes, value
$431.20, and the unique proposal was
from señora
Pastora Rivera in the amount of $287.50;
A piece of land located in San Rafael
del Norte with an extension of 70 yards
from North to South, cultivated with
coffee and some fruits; limits: North
and East, properties of Santos Aráuz;
South, national land, West, house of
Micaela Blandón.
Pastora Rivera was the unique one who
made a proposal offering $30.00 which is
its inventory value;
piece of land called La Canasta in
jurisdiction of San Rafael del Norte,
limits: East, mountain of El Pencal,
lands of Eusebio Zelaya and Rosa
Herrera, West, mountain El Cedro, North,
Grande; South, lands of Chamorro, Suárez
and Juan María
Its inventory value is $234.00, and the
best proposal for same was made by Sr.
Santos Rivera, who offered $265.00.
No proposals for the 2 houses in San
Rafael del Norte and the Finca Los
Archiotes, and being this hour the
proper time to finish with this
transaction and being the proposals
suitable for the conditions of the
properities, all the mentioned
properties are hereby sold to out in the
following manner:
El Carrizal and La Canasta to Sr. José
Santos Rivera for the amount of
The finca El Ingenio, the 2 pieces of
land in San Rafael del Norte and the
house in this city to Ezequiel Aráuz,
value $4,690.00-
The piece of land in San Rafael del
Norte and the finca El Coyolar to señora
Pastora Rivera, value $317.50.-
The act is finished and the deed was
written to the interested parties who
approved it and signed it.-
The corresponding documents for the
properties will be issued by this
authority.- 8 signatures.-
Sr. Zeledón
continue saying: that by virtue of the
above act he transfers the following
El Ingenio, a piece of land of 34 h. and
the house in the Canton of this town to
Sr. Ezequiel Aráuz for the sum of
$4,690.00, and Sr. Aráuz accepts same.-
The finca El Coyolar and the piece of
land in San Rafael del Norte to señora
Pastora Blandón
de Rivera for $317.50, Señora
Rivera accepts same.-
I, the Lawyer, state, that I have had
before me the documents of the mentioned
properties and that they registered as
follows: House of this town, #967; 1
piece of land #484; 1 piece of land
#493; finca El Ingenio #695; finca
Coyolar #2087; the piece of land of San
Rafael del Norte is not registered. No
one of the above properties have any
mortgage as per statement of the
respective official which together with
the receipts of the Government tax I
keep in my record. No municipal tax is
owed for account of the house, and it is
noted that the finca El Ingenio is also
registered in favor of the Government
and then rented by Sixto Rivera. I also
took evidence that same properties were
on due time reported to the Government
Tax office, and that Sr. Rivera paid the
Public Education tax for the 2nd part of
this year, also the certificate of the
Government Tax which states that Sr.
Rivera paid the tax corresponding to the
2nd part of the year.-
The Judge of this District, Sr. Leonidas
Segundo Mena, certifies: that all
proceeding in favor of Sr. Donoso Ramón
in which he accepts to be in charge for
the distribution of the inheritance of
Sr. Natividad Rivera, is stated in the
act which reads as follows:
“Jinotega, 12:00 m. 26 Jan. 1917, Sr.
Donoso Ramón
present in this office of the District
Judge, of age, married, business man and
living in San Rafael del Norte, who was
appointed in charge for the distribution
of the inheritance of Sr. Natividad
Rivera, same stated in Rivera’s last
will, and Sr. Zeledón
reports here with the purpose to be
authorized for the performing of said
duty, I, the undersigned Judge, received
from him the oath prescribed by the law,
he rendered the oath in presence of my
Secretary, and therefore his is
authorized for same in conformity with
the laws. He signs this act with me and
my secretary.-
I certify that this copy is a legal one
and I issue the same at the request of
the interested party in Jinotega, 12:00
m. 26 January, 1917.-
The Public Recorder of this Department,
certifies, that this document was
recorded today under #277, pages 76 and
77 Book III of the Records.” All the
persons present expressed their will in
this way before the witness Filemon
Altamirano, a single man, bookkeeper,
and Sr. Antonio Zelaya, married,
blacksmith, the 2 ones well known by me
and living in this town, before whom I
read this document to the interested
parties which they accepted, approved
and signed. ...
RG127/192/Pedro Blandón