Report on
activities of Pedrón's band in Jinotega
The most powerful, important, and
enigmatic guerrilla chieftain after Sandino was
Pedro Altamirano, a.k.a. Pedrón, who made
headlines later in the year as perpetrator of
the infamous "San Marcos Massacre" of October
1-2, 1928, a month before the national elections
(the full investigative report of the San Marcos
murders is reproduced on
page 22).
This early account of his activities in
his home-base of Jinotega is consistent with
everything else known about him, and helps us to
better understand the depth of the political and
social divisions separating local Sandinistas
and their local foes from early in the war.
(Right: photo of General Pedro Altamirano (far
left) and members of Sandino's wedding party in
San Rafael del Norte, May 1927)